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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO REGION 33 - ENCINO, CA (Balboa Park)

Volunteering 101

Welcome Parent Volunteers

Everyone Plays!  Everyone Volunteers!

Encino AYSO Region 33 is a 100% volunteer organization.  As a result, we are able to charge the lowest possible fee for children to play organized soccer in our area. To make this work, each family is expected to volunteer several hours during the season.  For some parents that might mean weekly involvement, while for others it may mean concentrating their participation a few times a year, such as with a special event or preparing the launch of a new season.  Every parent has either a special talent or simply some spare time to help.  No previous soccer knowledge is required for any role.  We provide all required training/certification. Read on to find the volunteer role that suits you!

Team & Game Volunteers:
Each team has certain on-the-field roles (i.e. Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Parent/Manager) that are necessary for the weekly success of that team. In the competitive divisions (10U, 12U, 14U), each team must provide at least 2 certified referees, so we can ensure that our games are safe, fair, and fun for the players. Also, referees earn "Referee Points" (2 for centering a game, 1 for sideline referees) which teams are required to accumulate to participate in our Region playoffs.  

Sets up and runs training and practices for the team. Is responsible for the conduct of players, parents and others associated with the team at all practices and games. Should also help the Team Manager in the recruitment of parent volunteer referees. (Age appropriate training & certification—provided by AYSO—will be required.)

Gives assistance to, and can substitute for, the head coach as needed.  (Age appropriate training & certification—provided by AYSO—will be required).

As the coach’s administrative partner, oversees team organizational needs. Coordinates parent volunteer assignments and refreshment schedules, recruits referees and keeps track of  "volunteer points" and “referee points,” handles communications with players’ families, prepares team rosters, collects & maintains player medical release forms, etc.  (Safe Haven online training & certification will be required.)

REFEREE (Center):
The official in charge of the match at every game. The referee’s #1 job is to keep the game safe, fair, and fun for the players.  (Age appropriate training & certification—provided by AYSO—will be required).

The assistant referees signal when the ball has gone out of bounds, signal the direction of restart and in 10U & above, recognize and signal offside violations.   Assistant Refs also document the playing time of each player on the game card.  (Age appropriate training & certification—provided by AYSO—will be required).

Off-The-Field Admin Volunteers:
Rather than helping out only with one particular team, parents may choose to take on a role that benefits their division or  our region as a whole. Many roles can be done from home on a flexible schedule. (Safe Haven online training & certification will be required for many roles.)

Helps the Coach Administrator organize coaches, coach training and certification tracking. Best for organized folks who can devote a couple hours a week preseason and during the fall.

With so many busy families, getting the word out about AYSO Region 33 is essential. If you’ve ever seen an out of date message on our website, it’s because we need a bigger team of folks to help keep the information up to date.  We need a variety of skilled writers who are also computer savvy, providing updated, relevant information to our families.

Responsible for the operation of his/her respective divisions.  They recruit the coaches for their Division with the help of the RCA and oversee team formation and responding to  issues that arise during the season.  In the competitive divisions (U10, U12, U14), Division Managers are also overseeing playoffs and all-stars.   

Responsible for the Region’s operation, the Board meets monthly to set policy & procedures.  (See “Volunteering” on website for list of positions.)

Assist with any field-related needs including weekly field lining and setting up goals (early Saturday morning).  Or help organize and maintain our field equipment.

Help solicit sponsors for our region or other methods of raising funds.   Or help with financial administrative functions, such as tracking expenses.

Help the Referee Administrator recruit, organize and train referees, track certifications and assist with Saturday scheduling.  Best for organized folks who can devote a couple hours a week preseason and during the fall.  

Help register players, track refunds and other administrative functions. 

Ready For Even More Adventure?
If you are ready for an even more active role, we’ve got that too!

The Regional Commissioner shall have the responsibility and the authority to manage the day-to-day business of the Region as described in Article III of the AYSO Guidelines within the framework of the AYSO operating regulations and the Guidelines.

The Assistant Regional Commissioner, shall perform such duties as may be delegated to the Assistant Regional Commissioner by the Regional Commissioner and, in his/her absence, shall perform the duties of the Regional Commissioner on behalf of the Region.

The Regional Referee Administrator shall arrange for orientations, clinics and training programs for all referees and assistant referees in the Region at least annually, and shall coordinate his/her efforts with the Regional Commissioner and the Area Referee Administrator.  The Regional Referee Administrator shall require that each referee complete a volunteer application form in accordance with the National Support Center’s applicable policies and guidelines.

The Regional Coach Administrator recruits, and supervises all coaches in the Region.  The Coach Administrator is responsible for ensuring that all coaches and assistant coaches are properly trained and certified. 

Responsible for working with the Regional Commissioner and the Regional Board in the planning, implementation and supervision of participation in tournaments, soccerfests and other additional soccer opportunities for Regional players outside the primary regular Fall season program.

Still Haven’t Found Your Ideal Volunteer Role?
If you have an area of interest but haven’t seen it listed, please contact us – we can likely find a way to make it work for you.

For any questions about volunteering please email Wendy Shuster, our Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected], or Regional Commissioner Mark Lambert at [email protected]

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 33 Encino (Balboa Park)

P. O. Box 17628 
Encino, California 91316

Email Us: [email protected]
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