Website Manager

American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO REGION 33 - ENCINO, CA (Balboa Park)


Division Managers:
GU10 Division: MIHO BUNKER

All inquiries about the Division should begin with the Division Manager.   

Additional inquiries can be made to the Regional Commissioner at: [email protected]

Age Range:
BU10, GU10:  All players born in the years 2015 or 2016.
(NOTE: National Soccer has established the age range for all divisions.  AYSO is not permitted to deviate from it.)

What Equipment Do I Need?
Soccer shoes (not turf shoes) are preferred.  Also, athletic shoes are allowed. NOTE:  metal cleats are not permitted.
Shin Guards (which must be completely covered by soccer socks)
Size 4 soccer ball

When will Teams be Formed?
By August 2, 2024

How Teams are Formed?
IMPORTANT: 10U teams are NOT formed by request.
One of the principal philosophies of AYSO is that all teams must be balanced.  It is a frustrating experience for players (and parents) to lose a game 0-10.  It is also not challenging or fun to win a game 10-0.   So, we do our best at Region 33 to make the teams fair and the games more fun by emphasizing balanced teams over friend requests.

1.  Rating Session: Division Managers will schedule two player rating sessions for each division (BU7, BU8, GU7, GU8), between June 17 and July 2.  Players will RSVP for one of the sessions.  Attendance is mandatory in order to be placed on a team (These sessions are not “tryouts” because every player who is rated will be placed on a team.)
IMPORTANT NOTE:  If your child cannot attend one of the rating sessions, please notify your Division Manager, who will attempt to find an alternate date.  

2.  Information requested from parents: Next, division managers will email parents and request the following information:  1.  Is there any day of the week your child absolutely cannot attend practice because of other activities?  2.  Is there any player that your child would like to have on the same team?
     NOTE #1:  THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THE FRIEND REQUEST WILL HAPPEN.  The first responsibility of division managers is to create balanced teams.  To the extent they can keep the teams balanced, division managers will do their best to accommodate a friend request.   BUT AGAIN, THERE IS NO GUARANTEE.
NOTE #2:   SIBLINGS:  Siblings WILL be placed on the same team.

3.  The Division Manager has the option to either form teams or to hold a draft.  
      OPTION #1 Division Manager forms teams:  If the Division Manager chooses to form the teams, he/she will do their best to make them balanced and will provide the rosters to each coach by the end of July.  Coaches will notify parents.
      OPTION #2  Division Manager holds a draft: If the Division Manager chooses to hold a draft, coaches will be provided with the player ratings and then select the teams at a draft meeting.   The emphasis will be on achieving balanced teams and coaches will not be permitted to dissuade other coaches from drafting any particular player.
      NOTE:   ASST COACHES:  The Division Manager will NOT honor requests for assistant coaches to be on a team with any particular head coach if it will cause teams to be unbalanced.

Number of Teams:
9-10 players per team.  No limit on the number of teams.  HOWEVER, the number of teams depends on how many certified coaches we have for each division.

What happens if there are more registered 10U players than certified volunteer 10U coaches?
August 2 cutoff date:  We will field as many teams as we have certified coaches by August 2, 2024. Unfortunately, we will have no option other than to put the additional players back on the waitlist unless and until we get additional certified coaches to volunteer.

How do I become a certified coach for 10U?
AYSO is an all-volunteer organization, and we must have certified coaches to have teams.   All AYSO coaches and assistant coaches, at every level, must: 1)  register as a volunteer through our website ( and 2) complete online classes and an in-person coach training session.  Here is a link to the step-by-step process to become a coach:  At AYSO33, we have persons on our Board who can assist you with any questions you have about this process:  [email protected]

Practices – Twice a Week
All 10U teams will practice twice per week for one hour at our Balboa Park soccer fields.  We have practice field permits for Monday through Friday from 5 pm to 7 pm.  The coach will select the practice days and times.  

When do Practices Begin?
The week of August 5.  

When Do Games Begin?
Opening Day is Saturday, September 7, at the Balboa Park Soccer Fields (see map on our website).   Weather permitting, play will continue every Saturday through November 16, 2024 (no games on August 31 and October 12, due to holidays).   

Game Schedules:
Game times will vary from week to week.  The schedules will be posted on our website  at  (go to the “Team Central” tab)

When Do Playoffs Begin?
The U10 Divisions are considered “competitive” divisions.  There are playoffs at the end of the season.  There is also an all-star team (See below).  Assuming the season finishes per the posted schedule, playoffs will take place at our soccer fields as follows:

All teams that get the required number of “Volunteer” points and “Referee” points will qualify for the playoffs.  Playoff seeding depends upon the season record for each team.

November 9:      First rounds of Region 33 playoffs (may include multiple games for teams)

November 16:    Finals of Region 33 playoffs (may include multiple games for teams)

November 23:   Make-up day for playoffs (if necessary)

IMPORTANT: Only Teams that Get the Required # of Volunteer Points and Referee Points will qualify for the playoffs. No Exceptions.

Teams must do BOTH of the following to qualify for playoffs:

1.  Earn 25 “Volunteer” points combined:  These are earned by volunteering to do any of the following:  Board Member, field set-up, field take-down, working at the red tent, field monitor, assisting with photo day, trophy day, or assisting any of the Board Member functions described on our website.  For more information, contact Wendy Shuster, our volunteer coordinator, at [email protected]

2. Earn 15 “Referee” points combined:  Referees and Assistant Referees must be registered and certified to qualify for “referee” points.  Center referees earn 2 points per game.   Assistant referees earn 1 point per game. “Club” referees (parents who volunteer to help on the sidelines when there are not enough referees) do NOT earn points unless they are registered and certified. 

Here is a link to our “Referee Policy”:

REMEMBER, AYSO is an all-volunteer organization, and we cannot have games without certified referees and volunteers. 

AREA 10V Tournament:  The BU10 and GU10 team that wins our regional playoff tournament will qualify to compete against the winners of the other AYSO Area 10V Regions at the North Hills fields in Granada Hills on December 14 and 15, 2024. So, keep your calendars free if you are able.
SECTION 10 Tournament:  If our teams win at Area, they will compete in the Section 10 Tournament in Bakersfield on February 15 and 16, 2025.

Near the end of the season, we will form a BU10 All-Star team and a GU10 All-Star team which will compete in Area 10V’s All-Star tournament at the North Hills fields in Granada Hills on January 18 and 19, 2025.  If our teams advance, they will compete in the Section 10 tournament at Bakersfield on March 1 and 2, 2025.

How All-Star Teams are Formed:
Coaches and Division Managers will nominate players to try out for the teams.  Players need to play in at least ½ of their team’s game to be eligible.   All-Star tryouts will likely take place between October 13 through October 20, 2024.  The All-Star coach, Division Manager and Coach Administrator will select the team prior to the end of the season.

Following the All-Star tournament, it is hoped that the All-Star team will stay together and play in various AYSO tournaments throughout the spring. 


Duration of Game:
50 minutes, plus a half-time break of 5-10 minutes.

The game is broken into two twenty-five (25) minute periods.  During each period, there is a stoppage after approximately twelve and a half (12.5) minutes, where there will be a short water break and substitutions allowed.  Players who are not substituted must stay on the field at the sideline. NOTE: This stoppage is NOT a time for coaching players.  The game clock keeps on running.  There is NO stoppage time added at the end of each half.

Playing Time Info:

Seven players per team on the field, one of which is a goalkeeper (nine-to-ten players maximum on the roster.)        

Between periods, at halftime, and for injuries.

Limits on Goalkeepers
In 10U games, goalkeepers may play a maximum of 2 quarters in goal, provided they play at least 1 quarter on the field.

Playing Time:
Minimum of two quarters per player per game.   No player may play four quarters until everyone has played three.    No player may only play two quarters in a game for more than one game until every other player on the team has played two quarters in a game.

NOTE: Although the assistant referees record on the game card the player substitutions and also who played goalkeeper in each quarter, adherence to the playing time policy is the responsibility of the Coach, not the Referee nor the Assistant Referee. Any violation of the playing time policy may result in a (post-game) forfeit against the offending team.  After the game, coaches should ask to see the game card to ensure it is accurate.

The Field:
The field size for 10U games is 200 ft long by 100 ft wide.

In addition to the sidelines (“touchline’), goal lines, halfway line, and center circle with 8 yd radius, the markings also include, among others:
1. Goal area in front of each goal measuring 4 x 8 yards.
2. Penalty area in front of each goal measuring 12 x 24 yards.
3. Penalty mark 10 yards from the goal line
4. “Build-out” lines running across each half of the field, equidistant between the top of the penalty area and the halfway line.

Goal Dimensions:
Goals are a maximum of 6.5 ft high by 18.5 ft wide.

The Ball:
A size 4 soccer ball is used for all 10U games and practices. 

Scores and Standings are kept in 10U:
Scores, standings, team volunteer points, and team referee points will all be updated and posted on our website at  (go to the “Team Central” tab)

“No Slaughter Rule” - Good Sportsmanship is a MUST:
Although we do our best to balance teams, sometimes a game can be too one-sided and can cause bad feelings.  In that situation, coaches must take positive steps to hold down the score. 
Games may be forfeited for multiple violations of this rule.  Our Coach Mentor is a terrific resource for the many ways this can be accomplished:  [email protected]

One certified center referee and 2 certified assistant referees (1 on each touchline). 
NOTE:  We use volunteer referees.  If we do not have enough volunteers, we will use ask spectators to step in as an assistant referee (called a “club” referee) for the game.  Club referees do NOT earn referee points unless they have been previously registered and certified. 

AYSO Region 33 has adopted a Code of Conduct, which prohibits conversation with referees during games about the calls made or not made, plus other behavior that interferes with the enjoyable, positive atmosphere for kids and everyone else.  HERE IS THE LINK

The Start of Play:
A coin toss is used to determine which team chooses to kick off to start the game or instead to kick off to start the second half.

The game starts with a kick-off in the center of the field.  The team not kicking off must be at least eight yards from the center mark while kick-off is in progress.

Ball In and Out of Play: 
The ball is out of play when it completely crosses the touchline (sideline) or goal line, either on the ground or in the air.  Play is restarted by a throw-in (for balls out of play crossing the touchline,) by a goal kick (for balls crossing the goal line and last touched by the attacking team), or by a corner kick (for balls crossing the goal line and last touched by the defending team.)
      Throw-In: The ball is thrown from behind the head and at least one foot must be in contact with the ground.  Second chances are not given for improper throw-ins for U10 (except for the first few “friendly” games at the beginning of the season). An improper throw-in results in a throw-in for the opposing team.   There is no offsides violation on a throw-in.
Goal Kick: The goal kick may be taken from any point inside the goal area. The opposing team must remain behind the build-out line until the ball is kicked and crosses the penalty area.  The goal kick is retaken if the ball is touched or played by either team before leaving the penalty area.
Corner KickThe opposing  team must be at least eight yards from the ball when the corner kick is taken in 10U games.

Build-Out Line: (USED ONLY IN 10U GAMES):


US National Soccer has mandated the 10U field include a “build-out” line on both sides of the field.   The purpose is to promote playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting. 
1.  The build-out line is placed across the field equidistant between the top of the penalty area and the halfway line.
2.  The build-out line is used as the line to determine offside. Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build-out line.              3.  When a goalkeeper has possession of the ball, the attacking team must move behind the build-out line and cannot move forward until the goalkeeper puts the ball in play by either passing, throwing, or rolling the ball.  
NOTE: The goalkeeper does not have to wait for the opposing players to move behind the build-out line. After the ball is put into play, the opposing team can cross the build-out line and play may resume as normal. 
4.  The attacking team must also move behind the build-out line for goal kicks (see “Goal Kick” section, above)

What counts as a “Goal”?
A goal is awarded when the ball completely crosses the goal line into the goal.  

No Goalkeeper Punts in 10U:
The goalkeeper is not allowed to punt the ball in 10U.  An indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the point nearest to where the goalkeeper punted the ball.

The offside law applies in 10U games.   An offsides offense can occur anywhere between the “build-out” line and the goal line.

Handball Rule:
A “handball” offense occurs when a player makes a deliberate movement of the hand or arm to the ball. For example, even if an arm is in a natural position, if the player moves his/her body to use the arm to direct or play the ball, it is an offense. In younger players, if there is a reaction to a ball moving directly toward them, but it is to protect themselves from getting potentially hurt by the ball (e.g., they raise their hands and protect their face or chest), then it is not considered a handball unless, again, they move their arms or body to direct or play the ball. 

It is an offense when a player touches the ball with the hand/arm positioned to make a player's body "unnaturally larger" and it is not in a position that can be considered natural for the body movement for that specific situation; distance from last point of contact does not matter. So, for example, a ball touching a player's arm that is in a natural running position is not an offense. If the ball touches an arm that extends out or up, then it is an offense.

No Heading in 10U:
Heading the ball is not allowed (US Soccer prohibits heading the ball for all divisions below age 14U).  An indirect free kick at the spot of the offense will be awarded to the opposing team if a player deliberately touches the ball with his/her head during a match.

What happens when there is a foul?
Free KickFor fouls not committed by the defending team in its own penalty area, fouls may be either direct (may score directly), or indirect (must be touched or played by another player before a goal can be scored). Opponents must be at least eight yards from the ball or on the goal line between the goal posts during free kicks.

Penalty Kicks: For direct free-kick fouls committed by the defending team in its own penalty area, a penalty kick will be awarded to the attacking team.   The penalty kick is taken from the penalty mark with all other players outside the penalty area except the opposing team’s goalkeeper.

Although misconduct should still be relatively rare in 10U games, the center referee has discretion to issue yellow cards and even red cards to players and coaches.   Coaches are responsible for the behavior of their sidelines. HERE IS THE LINK TO OUR REGION'S COACH CODE OF CONDUCT:


AYSO is completely run by volunteers.  Nobody gets paid.  We expect that a minimum of 1 hour of volunteerism is done on behalf of every player in the 10U Divisions.  To find out what you can do, please email Wendy Shuster, our Volunteer Coordinator, at [email protected]

To create an enjoyable atmosphere for kids, coaches, parents and referees, AYSO Region 33 has adopted a “Code of Conduct” for parents and coaches.  HERE IS THE LINK

Uniforms (socks, shorts, and jersey) will be provided to coaches to hand out prior to the first game, which is August 19, 2023.

Photo Day
Photo Day will take place on September 14, 2024 at the soccer fields.  A time for each team's photo session will be assigned. 
There will also be a VERY LIMITED makeup photo session on Tuesday, September 24 from 5 pm to 6 pm.

Trophies & Yearbooks
Will be provided to coaches to pass out on the last day of the season.

Thanksgiving Tournament (for Volunteers)We plan on hosting the Cynthia Petrillo Thanksgiving Turkey tournament on Friday, November 29, and Saturday, November 30 at our Balboa Park soccer fields.   It will be a fundraiser for our Region.

NOTE: The Tournament is open to U10, U12 and U14 Players who have parents/guardians/family members who are Board Members, Coaches, Referees or donated significant volunteer hours will be invited to play.  It will be a lot of fun and an incentive for you to volunteer at Region 33 this season.

**The details above are subject to change.  Everything depends on the number of players that register and volunteers that come forward to help.



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Contact Us

AYSO Region 33 Encino (Balboa Park)

P. O. Box 17628 
Encino, California 91316

Email Us: [email protected]
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